Quick solutions for fixing your CCTV cameras - Build Plus

Quick solutions for fixing your CCTV cameras

By Jose Grimbot 0 Comment August 11, 2020

Has your CCTV camera stopped working? Maybe you can’t see the display or you may not able to view the cameras remotely. However you don’t need to worry because security camera issues are pretty easy to troubleshoot.

You are facing any of the below mentioned issues for your CCTV cameras do try the solutions which have been suggested below. On the other hand if nothing seems to work you can always contact the experts at CCTV camera in Brisbane.

The most common problems which CCTV camera owners usually face are as follows:

  • The security cameras playback video is not working properly
  • You are unable to view your security cameras from a remote location
  • Surveillance cameras work during the day but pause to work at night time. There is a loss of video
  • The night vision is not working because the infrared is not working properly
  • You are unable to connect the security camera to the iPhone or your iPad
  • Security camera isn’t able to connect to the Wi-Fi
  • CCTV camera is not responding

All of these above mentioned problems with your security cameras can be resolved if you take the following steps to ensure that it is working in proper order.

Tips from the experts at CCTV camera Brisbane

  • First step is to ensure that your camera is powered on the proper way. Sometimes there is an issue with the power connection. Take a look at the power plug to know that there is no problem with the connection
  • Do check the cable for any problems as well. Sometimes there is an issue with the cable connection which might be causing problems and interfering with the camera working properly.
  • Take a look at the camera settings. If you are not too sure about the settings you can always take a look at the user manual to get an idea of what could be wrong with the settings.
  • Sometimes a simple reboot can completely solve the issue. All you need to do is shutdown the camera or press the reboot option to ensure that is in proper working order again
  • If you are a bit more technical you can take a look at the IP address to ensure that it is unique and does not match with another IP address
  • Sometimes the problem can be solved by ensuring that you have updated the firmware and the software simultaneously
  • Try resetting the security cameras to their original setting
  • If all of the above mentioned troubleshooting options fail to work you can always talk to the tech support team at CCTV cameras in Brisbane.

It should be kept in mind that the CCTV cameras really don’t present a problem. However if the weather is rainy or water gets into the system it can sometimes cause problems and might not operate the right way. It is best to only request support from a professional at CCTV cameras in Brisbane.

Want to get CCTV security cameras installed in your property? Look for a reliable security company in your area.

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